LIONEL PENNSYLVANIA FLYER Train Set # 6-30018 O Gauge with Box.
This special edition train set is in excellent condition and comes with extra curve, (8) and straight tracks (12).
Newer and original transformers with box cars, track with two extra rail cars, no manual. It is the newer “easy track” style so it is a fast and sure lock type of track. Makes it easy to connect the power on any track. Also included are telephone poles, smoke mix, and more. Limited sound and light Function with live smoking unit to simulate steam. Plus ready to Go/Pre-built. Material is plastic, and die cast brass. D.C. transformers.
This is a starter set with extra tracks that can make a good size lay out on a 4×6 or a 4×8 sheet of plywood.
Everything you need, just add your imagination to have a great train set.
All this can be yours for only $350.00. (O.B.O.) This is a Special fund raiser offer, the first of its kind. Just send an electronic transfer, including your contact information, to —->
All money raised from this sale goes to help keep the trolley running.
Thanks for your support!